Good Decisions: Episode 7

Model Operations: Jump Start Model Governance and Analytics

Join us for a webinar with Sumalatha Bachu, Senior Director, Technology, and Harvey Westbrook, Senior Director, Regulatory Economics & Market Analysis at FINRA

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As the financial industry increasingly integrates AI into its core operations, it’s never been more critical to have rigorous model governance capabilities.

In this webinar, Sumalatha Bachu, Senior Director, Technology, and Harvey Westbrook, Senior Director, Regulatory Economics & Market Analysis at FINRA share their insights on model governance and analytics, business and technical challenges, and how they impact FINRA's priorities and mission.

Webinar Highlights:

  • Introduction to Model Operations: Understand the fundamental concepts and why they are crucial in today's tech-driven market environment.
  • Implementing Model Governance: Learn how FINRA jump started their governance implementation for models and data science analytics workflows
  • Expert Insights: Hear from FINRA’s Sumalatha Bachu and Harvey Westbrook, who bring a wealth of knowledge and firsthand experience in implementing and overseeing effective model governance and analytics.

Download the slide deck.

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