Webinars and Events

Discover the difference ModelOps can make to your AI initiatives

Building Automated Model Life Cycles

Presented by ModelOp CTO Jim Olsen at the Toronto Machine Learning Summit 2022 Basics of a model life cycle: What makes up a model life cycle and how do you design one Governance: Developing an automated governance workflow Monitoring: How to monitor models post-deployment in a flexible manner Remediation: Creating remediation workflows that track and accelerate time to resolution

A Mandate for Model Governance in the Age of AI

With the massive publicity of the recently launched ChatGPT, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been elevated to Board-level initiatives. While AI offers tremendous potential, it can also introduce significant business risks if not used and governed properly. Watch this impactful webinar where Liming Brotcke (Senior Director of Data Science at Ally Bank) and Dave Trier (VP of Product for ModelOp) give practical advice on how to get started in implementing a modern model governance framework in the Age of AI.

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